
for your


Unlock new opportunities and stay ahead competition with the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)
Let’s keep in touch!
AI in different domains

Revolutionize Your Industry with AI Technologies

Drive innovation, efficiency, and growth in your area with AI technologies.


Enable early disease detection, personalized treatment planning, and improved diagnostics


Enhance fraud detection, streamline processes, and revolutionize credit scoring


Strengthen underwriting processes, automate claims management, and improve risk assessment


Personalize learning experiences, automate administrative tasks, and deliver smart content recommendations


Analyze customer behavior, deliver personalized recommendations, and optimize inventory management


Improve production processes, ensure quality control, and improve safety measures


Optimize energy consumption, predict equipment failures, and integrate renewable sources


Automate campaigns, personalize experiences, and gain valuable insights


Optimize supply chain management, enhance forecasting accuracy, and gain real-time visibility

Real Estate

Analyze property data, optimize valuations, and enhance buying and selling experiences
Case Studies

How AI empowered the application for Airlines

Web and mobile apps to automate the passenger boarding process


In airports, manual baggage weighing causes delays and frustrations for passengers. The process is time-consuming, leading to queues and delayed departures. As a result, it leads to financial losses for airlines and irritates passengers.


We developed an
Android app
for cabin crew
and a web admin panel for airline operators.
AI technologies
Mask R-CNN
the app analyzes photos
of baggage to estimate weight and determine if it's within limits. Cabin crew can easily approve or disapprove baggage based on the system's conclusions.
To enhance user experience, our team crafted a modern and user-friendly design for both the mobile app and web admin panel.


Web admin panel
for airline managers to manage app users, set limits for luggage weight and size, and configure additional service parameters.
Mobile app
for stewards/stewardesses to capture photos of hand luggage, which are then analyzed by the system to estimate weight and make conclusions (overweight/too large size/luggage is standard). The app also calculates extra charges for additional services.

Project details

Project duration
4 months
Business analyst
UI/UX designer
2 Web developers
2 Android developers
QA engineer
Project manager
Tech stack
Objective C / Kotlin
Amazon S3
Mask R-CNN


by 33%

baggage weigh-in speed improved

by 50%

reducing queuing time


increase in passenger satisfaction
Custom Software Development
This led to a decrease in delayed departures.
Custom Software Development
The system also minimized human errors in calculating additional services.
Custom Software Development
The startup successfully showcased the solution to investors, securing funding opportunities.
Developers for startup

Make the most of your product

with AI-powered



Custom Software Development
Object detection, recognition, and tracking
Custom Software Development
Image segmentation and semantic understanding

Speech Recognition 
and Processing

Custom Software Development
Speaker identification and language recognition
Custom Software Development
Speech-to-text and text-to-speech conversion

Predictive Analytics

Custom Software Development
Time series analysis, regression, and classification
Custom Software Development
Demand forecasting, sales prediction, and predictive maintenance

Reinforcement Learning

Custom Software Development
Design and development of intelligent systems that learn through interactions
Custom Software Development
Applications in robotics, gaming, and optimization problems
Custom Software Development
Development of reward models and exploration strategies

Data Science

Custom Software Development
Analysis, modeling, and insights extraction from data
Custom Software Development
Machine learning algorithms and predictive modeling
Custom Software Development
Data preprocessing and visualization techniques

Intelligent Automation

Custom Software Development
AI capabilities to automate repetitive and rule-based tasks
Custom Software Development
Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Custom Software Development
Intelligent chatbots and virtual assistants

Deep Learning

Custom Software Development
Neural networks for pattern recognition
Custom Software Development
Image and speech processing applications
Custom Software Development
Reinforcement learning and optimization problems

Natural Language
Processing (NLP)

Custom Software Development
Sentiment analysis, text classification, and recommendation systems
Custom Software Development
Named Entity Recognition (NER) and entity extraction